Jun 29, 2008

Another Contest!!!!!

I'm going to do another contest. You just have guess the shape of the chip.
Every Sunday, I'm going to do a post about chips.{if I can remember}

A. big chip
B. circle
C. a pig
D. an O
The deadline is 3rd of July.

Jun 28, 2008

my cat TIGER

I used to have a cat named Tiger. we found him in are neighborhood. I called him Tiger because he looked like one. Here is a picture of a tiger.....

It looks just like my cat Tiger

Jun 24, 2008

To A New Friend.

I just want to welcome a new member of the family. Her name is abby.

I hope you will like it bloging! When I got my blog I only had 3 people on my friends list then

Igot more and now I have one more you can meet alot of people from blog's.

They are so much F.U.N.

so make a new friend with blog's!!!

bye 4 now!!!