Jan 4, 2009

No No No :(

I don't want to go to school tomorrow!!!!!!! Do you? Well I mean I like school but we have been away so long that I don't want to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I want to see my teacher SO SO SO SO BAD!!!!!!!!!!!! Do you want to go back to school? Well get back to me on that one. Bye.
Bye 4 now!♥☺♪☼♫§

3 Friendly Notes:

Anonymous said...

i get 5 more weeks off!!! wooooo!! how did you get snow falling on your blog? i was looking for that!

♥miss~mattie♥ said...

I so agree with you. I did a post too about not wanting to go to school. Emmy is so so so so (well you get what is mean on the so's) so so so so lucky!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She gets another month off. I wish we could.
bye bye.♥☼♥☺

♥miss~mattie♥ said...

The reason that you can't get in my mom's blog is because that she went private because she is going to take a two month break from blogging. I don't know why. Well that is why.
Bye bye.♥☼♥☺