Jul 4, 2009

Im here!!!!

Im in Canada!!! Can you blevie that!!!! it is wet and fogy and humind!!!! WEll thats it!!!!!

3 Friendly Notes:

♥miss~mattie♥ said...

I can't believe that you are in canada. I miss you!!!!!! COME BACK PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!! :( You can stay there but come back soon. Well tomorrow???? Just kidding. I got your letter in the mail. I can't wait to get you back. When you come back call me and you are coming over no matter what you say. Have a great time.
Tootles ♥

Anonymous said...

haaaaavw fun!! and call mattie right when you get back!! and go over there or else...

Kenzie said...

i live near canada. have fun